Ever Brighter Image

Science. Discovery. Sustainability.

Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science

Bold Solutions for a Brighter Planet

For nearly eight decades, our world-renowned faculty have been expanding our knowledge of the planet through cutting-edge scientific research about the oceans, atmosphere, geology, biota, and human dimension. We are transforming the paradigm of undergraduate education from a classroom-based education to a research-based one emphasizing experiential learning. We are training the next generation of Earth scientists and policy makers in our graduate programs.

Brighter planet

Illuminating the depth of human impact

The planet’s health is at stake, and human activity has a critical role in determining the future. Our focus is to educate our students and the public, providing scientific evidence through cutting-edge research, thereby creating the knowledge which strengthens legislation to conserve our natural resources.

Marine and atmospheric science by the numbers

Defending Florida’s epic reefs

Annually, Florida reefs support 71,000 jobs and $6.3 billion in combined local sales and income and flood protection benefits of $675 million in averted damages to property and economic activity.

million in averted damages to property and economic activity

Fundraising Priorities

Saving lives

The devastation caused under a changing climate costs billions of dollars and results in significant loss of life and property annually. We are committed to building better systems for predicting such events with earlier notice and more geographic accuracy. At the same time, our fundamental research in marine biomedicine contributes to the understanding of the processes involved in severe illnesses.

Feeding the world

With the ever-growing human population and the increased demand for protein, our scientists are focused on developing sustainable, innovative solutions through aquaculture to alleviate the depletion of fish from the oceans and preserve threatened species.

Protecting our resources

As a result of climate change and human effects, our marine life, like coral reefs and sharks, are experiencing unprecedented negative impacts. Understanding the mechanism involved in the ongoing exploitation in the oceans and how to mitigate it is essential to conserve life in the ocean, which affects human lives in many ways.

Unlocking the oceans’ secrets

The oceans still hold many secrets that have the potential to translate into major breakthroughs in climate, weather, human health, and more. Marine-organism diseases often mimic human ones. Our scientists continue to make fundamental contributions toward understanding cancer and cognitive and neurological disorders.

Why our campaign matters

Miami—ground zero for understanding climate and key Earth processes

Uniquely situated at the gateway of the tropics gives us an unparalleled advantage to accelerate our efforts and position the school at the forefront of research, education, and innovation at this critical time. This can be achieved by providing scholarship support to attract and transform students from all backgrounds with a passion for exploring Earth sciences and by creating endowed professorships to recruit and retain top academic talent. Together, we can build a brighter future for our planet and humankind.

Sea secrets

At the edge of discovery

Learn about today’s global challenges, from climate change to marine conservation, through our annual lecture series, Sea Secrets—which features distinguished scientists.

Featured Stories

Help make a difference

To support the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science’s commitment to providing solutions to our world’s most pressing problems through cutting-edge research while educating the next generation of Earth scientists and policymakers, please contribute to the University of Miami’s campaign for a brighter tomorrow.

Give now

To learn more, please contact Jennifer Dillon, development, Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science, 305-421-4373.