Inquiry. Innovation. Discovery.
Brighter Science for Bigger Discoveries
Inspiring ever curious minds
As a top-tier research institution, we are forever pushing the boundaries of knowledge. We are relentless in our passion for exploration and discovery. Learn how we’re championing brighter science with ideas and innovations that have the power to illuminate the world.
Brighter science by the numbers
Ever expanded insights
Research and sponsored program expenditures totaled $380.2 million in FY20, up from $358.9 million in FY19.

Ideas That Launch The Future
As a leading national research university located in such a vibrant, international city, the University of Miami is generating solutions that drive human progress across oceans and atmospheres. Here are some of the ways we are launching the future.
Brighter science updates
Where brighter science begins
Learn more about how we are engineering brighter science across our campuses.