Meet your philanthropic goals
How to Give
Estate and planned giving
Estate and planned gifts are a powerful way to invest in the future of the University of Miami. Leave a legacy of generosity for generations to come while also meeting your own financial and philanthropic goals.
Matching gifts
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs that allow you to magnify the impact of your giving. If your employer is in our database, you can easily turn a great contribution into an extraordinary one.
In-kind gifts
The University of Miami welcomes gifts of tangible property—including works of art, rare books, and valuable collectibles—that support the academic and research missions of the institution.
Contact Gift Acceptance at 305-284-2888
Corporate and foundation gifts
Corporate and foundation partners provide critical resources in support of University priorities—from scholarships to research to innovative programming. With help from our advancement specialists, our University can facilitate giving opportunities that matter to you.
Contact Corporate and Foundation Relations at 305-284-3441
Donor-advised funds
Establishing a donor-advised fund is a simple, targeted, and tax-efficient way to maximize the impact of your charitable giving. It allows you to support the University along with the other causes you care about most.
Crowdfunding offers ’Canes fans an engaging way to generate support for a specific program, project, or activity, and encourage others to join in.
Memorial and tribute gifts
Honor a loved one, commemorate a special occasion, or celebrate an important milestone with a memorial or tribute gift.
Annual giving
Annual gifts turn into positive and enduring change for students and faculty members.
Official license plate
Style your ride with the University of Miami’s sleek, new, all-black license plate and show off your ’Canes pride. University of Miami specialty plates cost $25, plus registration fees. Plates can be personalized with your initials, class year, or any other sign of University spirit with up to five characters. The funds from every purchase of our custom plate go to student scholarships. Since the start of the specialty plate program, nearly 80,000 custom tags have been purchased, raising nearly $2 million for scholarships. The new U plate is only available to Florida registered vehicles.
To get the U plate, simply visit your local Department of Motor Vehicles office, tax collector, or private license plate agency.